;) |
《活到老,学到老》课后活动 亲爱的同学们: 很抱歉,老师过去两天太忙了,没有时间上你们的部落格,也没上载你们该找的资料。但看到你们在课堂上不断的求问,我感到很开心。:) 你们该做的就是在网上搜索一些(至少3个)与“学习”有关的名句,然后在课堂上分享。这对你们来说应该不难,星期一(4/5)就等着你们的分享! 另外,距离考试的日子也越来越近了,应该开始复习了。希望大家考得比上次更好,加油了! 池老师
Yours truly.
大家好。 我的chinese language 有 abit weird one. 哈哈。 这是个很 random 的post. 看见老师 play badminton really 很 weird. K. Bye.Bye. 标签: michellelow.
Yours truly.
Helloo , Im back on track :D Oh, hello to my dearest spammer FIRST -.- I know who are you alrd (: You beettterr scramm off . Aint you tried of typing ? O: frm blog to blog . First , ours ,thn,allicia & Stephanie . EVEN , Anna , Racheal & Casia's . Gosh , get a life manzx . How many more you wna spam? & , i didnt know you are so stupid t use SAME name to spam them -.- No offence tho , just feel so ridiculous -,- Well , like whad Michelle said , if you gt th time , go revise fr yr MYE tht is few weeks away yaw . RAISE YOUR STANDRADS (:
Yours truly.
helloooooooooooooooooo. No spamming Are you that bored, spammer ? If that case , you can go and revise for your mid-year exam. Or revise for your chinese. Mid-year exam is coming in few weeks time. I think you can use this time to revise, instead of wasting time over here , spamming. Feel free to own up. We want to know who are you. Who is spamming this blog. Why are you doing this. Oh ya, the links there, there's something wrong. the wrong thing is that there is a cancel line on some of your name. You guys don't mind yeah ? :} 标签: michellelow.
Yours truly.
No offence whatever it's written to that you . i bet that u dont know that , we are able to trace u out . Oh well , thanks to ur carelessness for letting us know ur IP adddress so that we are able to catch u and prepare a harsh punishment for you . We have also decided that , if u want to own up within these 2 days , we will let you off . but if it didnt.. there goes . We expect 100% respect from anybody , if not we will not let u off . We dont accept any nonsence from you or anyone. Any requries , RAISE YOUR STANDARD , i repeat RAISE YOUR STANDARD , otherwise , KEEP YOUR COMMENTS TO YOURSELF . i'm sure that u know what we meant , clever person. we said and we meant it . Clear enough . Think Twice before you reacts... This is meant for everyone , including me , of course .
Yours truly.
People , something wrong with the Ranks and Link colom , press twice ,if u didn't get what u wanna see . :) Apologise.
Yours truly.
Guys , wanna which songs ? 刘力扬 & TANK - 我就是这样 OR Tank-千年泪. OR 刘力扬 & 炎亚纶 - TI AMO OR 林宥嘉 & 劉力揚 - 傳說 OR 飛輪海-出神入化 OR Others , Name it . if i can find in imeem then i put , if no then sorry :) ***Majority wins . :)
Yours truly. Hello peeps , i have change blogskin , Cbox , Song . Any suggestion , speak . Reminder :
标签: Stephanie
Yours truly. |